A brief history
The original plan submitted by the owner was to demolish the building and develop the site with several houses, this led to the formation of our group and an intense campaign of objections to North Lincolnshire Council, along with the setting up of a Facebook page, to try and co-ordinate the campaign. There were a very large number of objections lodged, this resulted in the application being withdrawn.
Subsequently another application was submitted for conversion into a dwelling, & re development of the site for seven bungalows & two houses, this was heard at the North Lincs Council planning meeting on the 31 October, although it was recommended for approval by the planning officers, it was unanimously rejected by the planning committee. The applicant had 6 months to lodge an appeal.
Click on thumbnail for decision
The Duke William has the only restaurant in the village, there is also the Carpenters Arms pub in Westwoodside, ideally, there needs to be a minimum of two pubs to enable the Haxey Hood to take place in it's traditional form. Of the other two pubs in Haxey the Kings and the Loco, the Kings had been closed for about 18 months but re opened under a new lessee but has now closed again. the Loco, under the same management as the Duke William closed in Summer 2018 & has since re-opened, the Kings will re-open on the 14 December 2019.
The question has to be asked, why Haxey & Westwoodside, population about 4,000, cannot sustain at least two pubs, while in Epworth, the next village, has about the same population and has several pubs, bars & restaurant's which all seem to be thriving?
**The Planning Inspector has dismissed the appeal against the refusal of planning decision by North Lincs Council!!**
Report Here:
The appeal against North Lincolnshire Council's refusal of planning permission is now in the hand's of a planning inspector. We have lobbied him heavily asking for a public inquiry, rather than just written submissions, which is the format of the appeal at the moment.
If the inspector grants the request for a public hearing then it could be several months before it is heard, probably several weeks if it remains in a written only format.
**Owner of the Duke appeals North Lincolnshire Council's refusal of planning**

Asset of Community Value (ACV)
Two pubs in Haxey, the Duke William & the Kings, along with the Carpenters Arms in Westwoodside are registerd with North Lincolnshire Council as Assets of Community Value (ACV). These were registered at the request of Haxey Parish Council. This means that if the owner of the asset wants to sell then they must tell the council, this then allows the local community to be given time to prepare and make a bid for the asset.
The Duke William is appealing it's registration, mainly on the grounds that it is a motel, which means it cannot be registered. Both North Lincs Council & Haxey Parish Council are contesting the appeal, this will be heard at a tribunal in front of a judge in July. The We Live Here - Haxey group, have been having regular meetings with the Parish Council, helping them prepare their case.
**Update re Duke's appeal against the ACV (Asset of Community Value)**
The appeal has been withdrawn, and will remain in place but in an amended form, to basically cover just the pub & restaurant, not the whole site, as in the original order. So no court hearing was necessary.
Our Drop In Event
A few pics from our very successful "Drop In" held in Haxey Memorial Hall on the 26 June. The event was very well attended & resulted in many more objections to the planning application. (Click here for gallery.)

​Prior to the withdrawal of the application, the Parish Council, realizing the amount of public interest, called a public meeting,and was attended by about 300 members of the public. This was partly due to our group leafleting the whole of the village, to make them aware of what was proposed and why it should be objected to, also asking them to attend, make their views known and make the applicant and local Councillors aware, of the depth of feeling that had been generated. (Gallery here.)

Public Meeting 21 February 2018
Video recording of the meeting
Two interesting articles from issue 143 (Autumn/Winter 2019) of the pages 30 & 32.

The licensee of the Duke responds to the above article

Only the landlord closes the “pub” it`s customers can`t do it, (not so long ago Mr Chapman was arguing the Duke William was not a pub”
WLH-H emphatically did not “organize a boycott” of the Duke William, over along period ex-customers stopped using the Duke William simply by their own accord, in there hundreds and hundreds.
It is fact that part of the “car park” is covered by the ACV order.
The second meeting with NLC & HPC officials that Mr Chapman refers to and would like us all to believe that he was master of ceremonies by asking WLH-H to leave the meeting…. In truth the WLH-H representative was advised that at least two persons should be present at the second meeting, Mr Chapman wanted only one and therefore both WLH-H members left. However, because WLH-H had a pre-meeting with the above officials WLH-H were able to provide NLC with a written mandate of the WLH-H compromise, every single part of that mandate was achieved, ie: the pub, restaurant, kitchen and part of the car park, all form part of the official Asset of Community Value order.
It is ironic and hypocritical how Mr Chapman has suddenly become concerned about H&S matters on Hood Day especially following his previous 17yrs of beneficial trading and the tens of thousands of takings he has gladly taken over the years on this day.
As above ie: 17yrs a landlord and no word of this until now, The re-opening of the Loco and the new Landlord at the Kings together with the participation of Stanmore Guest House we are sure all thought it to be a welcome development this year to have pubs open, they all too had welcoming reviews on social media.
WLH-H did not at anytime organise a boycott of the Duke William, the existing pub that failed should not look for a scapegoat, but should look back and question why it failed, certainly it was not due to any boycott. Master of your own destiny, not of ceremonies, would be fitting.